📘The Modern Jew (1899) by Arnold White

"Students of English history are unable to place their finger upon a single instance where the practice of the right of asylum has hitherto proved anything but beneficial to the British Empire."

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"In Germany, Hungary, and Austria, where the jews have acquired by mortgages over the land so fast a grip of national life that nothing but revolution would shake it off, the Jew hatred is as bitter, though expressed in more measured fashion, as in France."

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"The immigration into this country of the poor of other lands is now almost entirely restricted to persons of the jewish race."

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"There are two methods, and only two, in which the evil results of a Jewish imperil inside the English Empire can be obviated. It can be destroyed and its members expelled as was done in the thirteenth
century in most countries in Europe, including England..."

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"In all countries and throughout the centuries, recurrent phenomena attending the protection, equality, popularity, strength, vices, and final ejection of the jewish community are constant; and seem to form a code of inexorable law which, to he understood, must be examined."

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"So long as one-half of Europe worships a Jew, and the other half a Jewess ; while the engine of international finance is under Jewish control, and while public opinion is medicated by Jewish influence over
the European press, the Jews will continue..."

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"At the end of the 19th century the nations are beginning to feel the presence of a new \& growing power in their midst. Intellectual superiority, Oriental subtlety, and the training of sorrow accredit the Jews with a complex and mysterious power denied to any other living race."

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"Still, in spite of their differences of opinion, and although scattered over the face of the earth, the Jews maintain a secret and indissoluble bond of common interest. When attacked from outside, Jewry presents a single front to the enemy."

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I'll only tweet snippets that interest me from here on...

"Indeed, the peculiar characteristics usually associated with the Hebrew community are not religious, but racial."

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"In America the Jew is openly despised and laughed at. He is caricatured in the comic papers, excluded from society, and is accumulating trouble."

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"The extermination of millions of Jews is impracticable on the verge of the 20th century, while the destruction of the Russian State, in the opinion of patriot Slavs, would be the direct and sinister consequence of jewish emancipation..."

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Examples of the measures taken to try contain the influence of jews in tsarist Russia.

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"paternal govt of Casimir the Great in the 14th century attracted a large Jewish population to what is now the Ghetto of Europe. The reason for this flash of enlightenment in the dark ages is attributed to the influence on Casimir of a beautiful Jewish mistress named Esther."

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"in the wars with the Turks the jews were accused of having perfidiously supplied the enemy with iron artillery, a charge which strangely enough was repeated by Wellington three centuries later."

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"Superstitious as West African Negroes the Russian peasant, especially in his cups, falls an easy prey to the astute and temperate Oriental race which exploits his vices and plays with ease upon his superstitious and his prejudices for the purpose of gain."

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"The episode illustrates (a) the solidarity of the Jewish community when individual members of it are attacked from outside, and (b) the justification for Russian anti-Semitism, SO far as the trade in agricultural machinery is concerned."

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"This is a sober statement of fact. The Russian nature is self-indulgent, impulsive, kind-hearted, generous, and passionate. Russians would have no chance of survival against the cold determination of a people that exists only when living as a parasitic growth on another race."

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"It is a well-known fact that about 25 per cent of the jews in Hungary have gradually become Hungarians, and adopted names of Magyar character"

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"The Produce Exchange, and of course the Bourse at Vienna, Prague, or Budapest, are deserted on Jewish holidays." The press, with the exception of the Czech organs, is almost exclusively in the hands of Jews."

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"Should any Christian have the hardihood to set up in business the Jews combine to ruin him, under-selling him until the wretched man is forced to give up in despair."

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"A fifth part of the land in Galicia belongs to jews. In the Bukowina 22 per cent. of the great landed proprietors are Jews, and the remaining landed property is mostly involved in debt to the jews."

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"But, in some districts, the yoke of slavery has fallen from the neck of the peasant only to be more firmly fixed there by the hands of the Jew."

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"The Jews consider themselves in their blindness the "natural aristocracy" of mankind, and believe on this ground that they should be masters of the world. This position they seek, not by deeds of bravery or superior energy, but by craft and fraud and money..."

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"They have obtained possession of the public press and use it for their own purposes-to deceive the people as to the real motive of this general state of distress, and to turn off this discontent in a false direction (to the Government, clergy, nobility, police, \&c.)"

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"the Jewish elders at Cracow, in the year 1840, said: "So long as we do not have the newspapers of the whole world in our hands to deceive and blind the people our mastery remains a chimera."


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"When one finds the wealth, the commerce, the industry of a nation in the hands of a foreign anti-pathetic race, it augurs ill for the future of that country, and speaks badly for the resisting power of its people."

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"The jew conceals his feelings, and laughs in his sleeve, for he knows that these simple Viennese cannot do without him. He is their banker, their doctor, their dentist, their lawyer ; he rules their money market ; he directs their industries ; and he writes their newspapers..."

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"But the trouble grows as the years roll by, and the time is not far distant when Jewish ascendency in Austria will bring new forces of resistance into being."

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"Thus in the thirteenth century the jews of Languedoc had in their possession many hundreds of Christian slaves. Slave dealing was a favorite trade of the Jews in the Dark Ages."

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"The English armies in Normandy and Gascony contained no jewish archers or javelin men; no jew was found in the train of knight or baron ; they grew rich and prospered at home while the blood of Norman nobles and English men-at-arms was fertilising the plains of France."

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"deluding the public by inflating worthless securities with artificial value, and the art of hypnotising shareholders into the belief that something is to be made out of nothing, or that vast risks and the 100:1 chances may be taken with impunity, there is no equal to the jew."

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"Having attempted to survey the jewish Question in all the principal countries of the world, I am unable to avoid the conclusion that where the nations are being destroyed by the jews they deserve to be destroyed..."

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"This partnership of jew lawyer and jew money-lender is one of the most fruitful fields from which the harvest of legitimate anti-Semitism is gathered and garnered."

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"The next proposal is directed against the amount of interest usurers charged for their loans. The usual interest is about 6o per cent. With default interest the evidence showed that it sometimes amounts to 2000 per cent."

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"However great or small the evil of jewish money-lending in Europe may be, it is a growing evil, and especially in England, public opinion, even jewish public opinion, has little or no effect upon jewish money-lenders."

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"Sir Robert Inglis, Member for Oxford University, in the debate of 1830 resisted Jewish emancipation on the ground that the Jews were not patriots."

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"The Duke of Wellington, who was Prime Minister, exercised a dominant influence over the public mind, and was what would now be described as an anti-Semite, on the ground of his experience and belief that the loaning and love of money replaced patriotism in the Jewish character."

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"England and America will remain friendly to the Jews only on condition that the enemies of Anglo-Saxons are not subsidised and aided in time of war from jewish sources."

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"England is the last country in all the world to question the absurd doctrine that the uninterruped entry of foreign men and women, without reference to quality, health, morals, attainments, or condition is advantageous to her national life."

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"Another influence that stands in the path of legislation is that the more Jews arriving in England the greater the power of the jewish community. Already, as I have shown elsewhere, their influence is out of all proportion to their numbers,"

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"...and that, in working, democracy has ignorantly labored for Jewish supremacy, and has lost the capacity for maintaining a separate national existence. The beginnings of modern anti-Semitism arc due to the new appreciation of the growing financial power of the jewish race."

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"Considering the small number of Jews in England-probably not more than 120,000 or 130,000-the influence which they have obtained is an accurate measure of their extraordinary abilities."

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"The various considerations affecting the popularity of the Jews set forth in the foregoing pages have not escaped the notice of jewish writers and teachers. The question "Are jews Unpopular ? If so, Why ?" has been publicly discussed in the jewish press."

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"The colonisation of Palestine has long been a dream of idealistic Jews, and has recently, in the form of Zionism, taken a more or less practical shape. A few small colonies in the Holy Land have been established at great cost by the liberality of jewish millionaires,"

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"The only ray of light apparently visible for the hopes of poor jews whose home instincts have been touched by their own exceeding misery and the enchanting prospects opened out to them by Hertzl and Nordau is in the neutralisation of Palestine after Armageddon has taken place."

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"Whenever the Jews return to Palestine or its Hinterland, it will only be with the goodwill of nations which are now ready to fly at each other's throats."

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"The jews who cheer Dr. Hertzl have no ambition to be the despised dependants of a predominant Islam. In their heart of hearts they seek a State as well as a home."

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Jewish humour

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"After the lapse of 600 years a new unrest is perceptible throughout the civilised world on the subject of the jewish Question,"

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