These are blog-posts mostly written about the books we host. TRIGGER WARNING The content we quote here is often-controversial so if you are easily offended by what you read, please do not continue further!

UNCED and The Cobden Club Paper by George Hunt


George Hunt was present at the 'Fourth World Wilderness Congress' (he explains what that means later in the video) and noticed that it had very little to do with the conventional environment movement and was surprised to see people like Mauric...

The Somali Pirate

International Finance, World War, and the Creation of the Global System (2019)

International Finance, World War, and the Creation of the Global System (2019) by The Somali Pirate

“The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists, and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.” — David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on the Treaty of V...

Kristin B. Thompson, Jason A. Wright

The Best Kept Secrets

A History of What has been going on behind the scenes for more than 100 years (2017)

Some notes and highlights.


"This research is hereby placed in the public domain. It is hoped that free & easy access to t...