These are blog-posts mostly written about the books we host. TRIGGER WARNING The content we quote here is often-controversial so if you are easily offended by what you read, please do not continue further!

These are highlights from the book:

📕🐉💰Great Red Dragon, or London Money Power (1890)

by L. B. Woolfolk

Imperialism of Capital has grown until it is now the mightiest power that has ever existed on the earth. In comparison, all other empires sink into compar...

Forced Consent (1873)

by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)

Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer. When a government has once reduced its people to a state of consent – th...