Independent Thinking

"With no truth, there is no trust—which is earned, not given. With trust between people, there is faith they will try to live-up to their promises by honoring their commitments. Without truth, there is no trust nor faith in people."

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"For an individual man or woman to be free, the first thing they need to do is to think independently. Correct independent thinking is the hardest work on the planet and is why ninety-five percent of the people do not think for themselves."

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"Do not let anyone else think for you, because you do not want to surrender control of your life to others. This explains why thinking correctly is your responsibility. What you think, what you say to others, and what action you take—are independent undertakings."

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“If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think
well, others will do their thinking for them.” - George Orwell

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"A lying tyrant’s power makes him or her arrogant, lazy, stupid, and ignorant of how the world is changing, day-to-day. It leads tyrants into moments of
incandescent hubris and making unfathomable decisions, in hindsight—yet liars make them."

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"Psychopaths lie constantly, superficially charming, make a great first impression, seem socially normal, but are dishonest, self-centered, and undependable—showing arrogance and narcissism, engage in irresponsible behaviors and then blame everyone else for their failures."

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