These are blog-posts mostly written about the books we host. TRIGGER WARNING The content we quote here is often-controversial so if you are easily offended by what you read, please do not continue further!

The Years Of Transition (1949)

By Hastings William Sackville Russell, 12th Duke of Bedford (1888-1953)

NOTE: This is a pamphlet which arrived as a cut and paste in a poorly-formatted PDF document, tidied-up and republished here.


It was towards the close of the period of happy and interesting work that followed the First Gre...

The Somali Pirate

International Finance, World War, and the Creation of the Global System (2019)

International Finance, World War, and the Creation of the Global System (2019) by The Somali Pirate

“The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists, and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.” — David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on the Treaty of V...

Notes from "How The Jews defeated Hitler" by Benjamin Ginsberg (2013)

These are some notes and highlights from the 2013 Jewish-authored book which rather proudly points out the highly influential and disproportionate role that "The Jews" (video of discussion on who 'The Jews' are and anti-semitism between Dr E Michael Jones and Dr Michael 'Brow...

A list of some archived materials online with many rare, out-of-print, hard-to-find books and unofficial, alternative history.

Website Backup Archives

Following their deaths, and given the increasing memory-holing and censorship of websites, we have created backups of the following important revisionist authors:

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred

Blot out crime, proverty, prostitution, war : why and how (1914)

Some notes and highlights from the book.

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"Every honest, kindly person, with reasoning power, who will throw aside all prejudice and early teachings, so far as possible, an...