Jews Must Live (1934) by Samuel Roth

"There will always be some censorship" is the real problem because such policy isn't one of free speech and permits the continued subversion of the natural right to freedom of speech. Pornography and the like BTW isn't and never was "speech" see 🕎Roth.


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“Blind race hatred,” I interrupted. “Conducted by 85 million people? Do you believe a whole civilized nation would stand aside, witness what Hitler is doing to the Jews without a protest, unless there were real abuses on the part of the Jews which justified what is happening?”

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"For they had opened in me the locked gate of an emotion that must have been pounding away at my heart for a long time. It dawned on me suddenly, blindingly that all the evils of my life had been perpetrated by Jews."

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"Disraeli set the Jewish fashion of saying that every country has the sort of Jews it deserves. It may also be true that the Jews have only the sorts of enemies they deserve, too."

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"It must have been this propensity to trade the favors of their women for gold that caused the Jews to be held in such abhorrence by the ancient world."

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"1st observation: God has never offered himself in the same form
to 2 races. To one race he has appeared in the form of the stump
of a tree. To another as the sun; to still another as the moon.
2nd observation: The meaning of God has never been the same
to two races of mankind."

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"Why, then, is Jerusalem credited with monotheism? Party because, while the disciples of Zarathustra tended to their home fires in India and Arabia, the Jews, through Mohammed and Jesus, shot the idea of one God to the north and the south of the Mediterranean."

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"in none of the chronicles of tribal gods that have come within my reading range, have I encountered a tribal god as cruel, jealous, lustful, mean,lying, cheating and treacherous as that great little guinea pig the God of Israel."

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"When Dickens, portrayed in a great novel, Oliver Twist, a Jew named Fagin, instructing little English boys in the art of pocket‐kerchief snatching, a how] of protest went up from universal Jewry that resounded through every corner of the civilized world."

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"This is a very remarkable paragraph. If I had it in my power, I would post it on the door of every synagogue in the world. For it embodies in a few innocently meant words almost every form and species of our peculiar Jewish hypocrisy."

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"26 nations in all were conquered by this great and just God. For one of them, Amalek... God conceived such a deadly hatred of that he ordered the wholesale destruction of the nation, men,women, children and cattle, that even their remembrance might fade out under the heavens."

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"But we must have been a pretty horrible people to start with. Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world."

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"The whole career of Jewry divides itself for me into three distinctive and significant parts."

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"With that music in their ears the Jews proceed to annihilate their neighbors. They go about it like a nation of trained butchers. Nowhere in the history of the world... is found such sweet relish in sheer butchery."

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"Anti-semitism is not, as Jews have tried to make the world believe, an active prejudice. It is a deeply hidden instinct with which every man is born. He remains unconscious of it, as of all other instincts of self preservation, until something happens to awaken it."

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"To my innocent brain it appeared that the whole purpose of a Jew in business was to get the best of the goy. When the goy had been cheated business was good. When the Jew had just come out even, business was very had, indeed."

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"It was a Jew’s business to remember this at all times, especially in his dealings with goyim. It was practically a moral obligation on the part of every conscientious Jew to fool and cheat the goy wherever and whenever possible."

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"We despised the goy, we hated his religion. The goy.. wantonly worshipped an unsightly creature called the yoisel. The yoisel had once been a Jew. But one day he had gone out of his mind, and in that pitiably bewildered state announced that he was the Lord God himself."

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"To each of the countries of his invasion, the Jew brings the whole bag of commercial tricks and statutory manoeuvers with which he poisons the arteries of the civilized world."

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How "The Melting Pot" man was destroyed by his own tribe.

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How the author got jewed by his own tribe when penniless.

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"The average Jew displays his disposition on his face, the result of his peculiar upbringing on the principle: Leolom Tockach, always take. It has brought the old wolf so much into his face the gentile has to be a born ass to let himself be bitten."

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"Israel Zangwill made it a point of honor to impress his nationality
on all the people be dealt with, although the overwhelming Jewish‑ness of his physiognomy should have made that unnecessary." 😆

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“Being a Jew isn’t it enough, Roth. You’ve got to have a nose for Jews. You’ve got to be able to smell them out. If I can’t spot it in their features, I can find their Jewishness in their conversation.”

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"What the Jew really wants and expects to achieve through the instrumentality of the Hebrew school is to cultivate in his son the sharp awareness that he is a Jew and that as a racial Jew‐apart from all the other races-he is waging an old war against his neighbors."

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"Edward had to expel them to avert a civil war. It is not recorded that one Jew took advantage of the new right to till the soil."

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"The easiest business for the young Jew not apt enough to enter one of the major professions, is selling newspapers. Almost all the news stands in America are owned by Jews."

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"The Jewish gangster imbeds himself deeply in the flesh of society. He becomes a permanent if not a fatal tumor."

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"Jews have given themselves over infinitely to the vain-show and inglorious barter which everywhere accompany the development of the arts and the sciencas, I cannot find anything of value that they have themselves created in their 250 years residence on the American continent."

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"When all Jewry was excoriating Charles Dickens for the character of Fagin in Oliver Twist, it was she who extracted from him the promise that he would remunerate the Jews for the damage done them by creating, in another novel, the character of a good Jew."

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"Towards the man-power of America Jewry contributes only that which it catches in its own sweatshops, as in so many rat-traps - set by itself. It seems to be part of the Jew’s unwritten code that he should never work."

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"It is my honest belief that nothing the Jew does in America is essential to its welfare. On the contrary, a great deal of what the American Jew does is subversive of America’s best interests."

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The jews' technique in taking of over a gentile business.

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"America is full of businesses bearing old Christian names, but which are really owned and run by Jews. Most of them have been acquired in the manner I have just described, the way the Jew creates something out of nothing."

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Another technique the jew uses to dispossess the gentile.

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"We see the Jew, then, in business, as promoter, money-lender, salesman par excellence, the author and chief instigator of a system of credit by which a nation‐wide usury rises like a Golem with a million hands on a million throats, to choke the honor and the freedom..."

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"But Judaism was the first religion in the world which divided everything into those things which are right and those things which are wrong. And that started all the mischief."

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"Certainly no other religion in the world has offered the world a spectacle as contradictory, as malicious, as full of the spirit of unreasonableness as the Jewish recital of the prayer Kol Nidre during Yom Kippur."

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"The retention and magnification of Kol Nidre in the grand order of the synagogue is a characteristic bit of Jewish mob obstinacy‐in this case an obstinacy entirely without justification in reason or in history."

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"The Jewish Prayer Book lists the following sins specifically, as amongst those which are unconditionally forgiven the Jew on Yom Kippur:"

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"The Catholic knows that he can clear himself of anything by the simple act of going to Confession. But the Jew goes the Catholic one better. He denies, by his recital of Kol Nidre, even before he undertakes it, any possible responsibility in crime."

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Maggog, the jewish lawyer.

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"I believed him, as millions of poor people believe such lawyers and such arguments. But how was I to know that he advised me to plead guilty because he felt incapable of trying the case himself and he was too greedy to share my fee with someone who might be able to do it?"

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"Everyone knows how powerfully organized American courts are against litigation over small amounts‐the very amounts which mean everything in the lives of ninety percent of the population of the continent."

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"Jake Bernstine, on his way to work slips and falls on the pavement of an apartment house owned by Abe Rubinsack. In the factory the worker next to Bernstine notices the discolored flesh on Bernstine’s hand and asks him what happened."

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"I knew this socialist lawyer, too, before he began to practise law. We were boyhood friends."

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"...Germany, the only country in the modern world which Jews embraced sincerely, enthusiastically and creatively as though it were really their own."

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"A Jewish abortionist I know, confided in me that a good percentage of the girls the Dr. Grubnyak of the neighborhood sends to him are not in need of an operation. But he pretends to perform the operation, the unfortunate creatures pay dearly for it..."

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"The history of medicine is full of ever renewing restrictions against the practise of medicine by Jews. Mohammedans forbid them as early as 853. In 1335 the Synod of Salamanca declared that the Jewish physicians offered their services only to kill the Christians."

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"But the Jewish history, that to throw doubt on the Jewish Conquest of Palestine would shake the world’s belief in our very identity as a race and as a nation."

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"The Jews did not seize the opportunity offered by Edward I, to rent English land and till it. Nor have they seized the opportunities in England and in America in our own time. The reason why? Jews know only one use for the ownership of land‐or of anything. Speculation."

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"The owner .. was a continental Jew.... The most ravishing English girls were at his command. He had only two rules by which he chose them, one a positive, the other a negative. To get into one establishment the girl had to be very beautiful, and she must not be a Jewess."

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"For the Jew, the theatre means only two things: an easy way to make money, and a woman-market.“ Broadway is the richest woman-market in the world."

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"...these girls eventually return to the United States to join one of the hundreds of travelling companies of girls who play one-week stands at the thousands of little traveling brothels throughout the country. These places guarantee their patrons a change of girls once a week."

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"In Hollywood as in Broadway the Jew is the dominant figure. Is it anything less than a misfortune that the motion pictures should have developed into an industry out of the penny arcades of the Jews?"

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"The whole point in Jews going to church is that they are really not supposed to be there. Their getting in without being thrown out is one of their most precious social triumphs."

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"There are many reasons why the gentile does not want the Jew in his pet playgrounds. I will enumerate four:"

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