Jack B Tenney

Zion's Trojan Horse: A Tenney Report on World Zionism (1953)

Zion's Trojan Horse: A Tenney Report on World Zionism (1953) by Jack B Tenney

INTRODUCTION By CoL. JOHN BEATY, author of The Iron Curtain Over America

To be of major significance, a book on the current world scene must meet three requirements: (1) It must be the work of a person who has been in an exceptional position for breaking through censorship and learning the truth; (2) it must be full and complete and written fearlessly, with no effort to hide or gloss over the evil deeds of any faction or minority; and (3) it must be written by one who is skilled in the writer's art. ZION'S TROJAN HORSE, by Jack Tenney, possesses the triple qualification.

(1) Ten years of arduous work in the California Senate as Chairman of the Committee on Un-American Activities has given Senator Tenney a great body of information on vital facts to which newspaper columnists and other political writers, and even academic historians, have no means of access. The reason is obvious. In his strategic position, Senator Tenney not only had opportunities denied to others for uncovering secret data; he even had the power to force the disclosure of much information which would under no circumstances have become known to a writer who was not in a similar position of government authority.

(2) An author's inumbency in high office or in a strategic position does not, however, guarantee that his book is of major importance. Too many such personages have written books to throw a smoke screen over their own surrenders to political expediency or to alien pressure. Other authors have written books which purport to cover the history of the past half century or to deal with the foreign policy of the United States of America and yet, from fear of an alien minority, make no reference whatever to Middle East, Israel, Jews, Judaism, Khazars, or Zionism! These books name names, but never the names of such history-making Jews as, for example, the Rothschilds, Chaim Weizman, Samuel Untermeyer, Stephen A. Wise, and Louis D. Brandeis-much less the names of those Jews prominent in more recent times in atomic espionage; in the U. S. executive departments, especially Treasury and State; and above all, in the personal staffs of the last three Presidents of the United States.

Books that leave out such topics and such names are worse than useless. They are dangerous. They teach the reader to place the blame for the world's perilous condition upon people of his own creed and kind, and not where it belongs-upon scheming alien manipulators. Such books present a picture as much distorted from the truth as would be presented by a history of the U. S. Revolutionary War which made no reference to taxation without representation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Continental Congress; and made no mention of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, or other men prominent at the time in influencing public opinion.

But how, the reader may ask, can one tell without reading it whether a book by a seemingly authoritative author gives a full coverage of its subject? Fortunately, there is an easy test. Consult the index of each book which has attracted your attention. Make your own comparison, and back the book of your choice. The merest glance at the index of ZION'S TROJAN HORSE will show its full and fearless coverage of all phases of its vital subject.

(3) Whatever a man's former position of authority and however full his coverage of his subject, he cannot have maximum effective- ness unless he writes well. Senator Tenney writes with a confidence and a zeal which the reader immediately senses and shares. Imbued by the emotion of the author, the reader is swept forward through the mass of details which fill the years between Karl Marx and the present. He is both fascinated and terrified by the climactic story of the growth of two tremendous forces, Communism and Zion- ism, so closely related in their objectives. The reader sees with the horror which can be induced only by superb literary writing how the aims of these two forces, Communism and Zionism, are alike hostile to America as a nation and to the Christian civilization of which our nation is the finest flower. The reader shares the author's indignation at the subtle way in which Communism and Zionism have played Christian nations against each other in bloody
conflict, and is appalled at the combination of subtle infiltration, brazen bullying, and everlasting propaganda with which. these two alien forces have ridden rough-shod over the world and have demanded and secured in this country rights and privileges which involve the destruction of America and the degradation of the Christian West.

In Paradise Lost John Milton wrote the epic of the fall of man, a fall which was engineered by an alien intruder into the Garden. In ZION'S TROJAN HORSE, Jack Tenney has written of the fall of American man, and of American women, too, under the blandish- ments, the bribes, and the intimidation of alien intruders into our garden-spot, AJnerica. To read this great book is to arm yourself with knowledge. With your increased knowledge you will feel increased confidence and have a new power to go forth and defend your country, your ideals, and your faith.

DECEMBER 4, 1953

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