Eric D. Butler

The Truth About Social Credit (1946)

The Truth About Social Credit (1946) by Eric D. Butler

  • Social Credit stands for tha supremacy of individuals over all institutions, financial, industrial or political.
  • Social Credit is opposed to monopoly in any shape or form,
  • Social Credit has nothing to do with the nationalisation of industry.
  • Social Credit alone can provide the individual with security AND liberty.

It la generally thought that Social Credit is merely a scheme of monetary reform. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mr. L. D. Byrne, Technical Adviser to the Social Credit Government of Alberta, Canada, has said:

"Social Credit Is the belief Inherent in society that its individual members in association can obtain the results they want."

It is true that social crediters have directed a considerable amount of attention to the financial system, simply because they believe that the controllers of that system have used it to prevent the people from getting what they want.

Major C. H. Douglas has said:

"In my opinion, It Is a very superficial definition of Social Credit that it Is merely a scheme of monetary reform.

Social Credit is the policy of a philosophy.

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