These are three short articles written by Arthur Kitson, lifted from The New Age periodical.
Published in:The New Age, 1037, Vol.11, No.13, July 25, 1912
THE Oracle has spoken! The Mountain has laboured and brought forth-a Mouse a miserable little specimen at that ! Its name is ‘‘Gold and State Banking,” “A Study in the Economics of Monopoly,” by Edward R. Pease, published and sold by the Fabian Society. In response, no doubt, to the earnest solicitations of many of its members to say something upon a subject which, just now, happens to be a vital political issue in the United States, and has been honoured with discussion at most, if not all, of the annual meetings of our Associated Chambers of Commerce f’or some years past, the leading Pundits of the Fabian Society found it necessary-for the sake of their reputation-to issue some sort of a pronunciamento on the banking and currency question.
Published in: The New Age, 1050, Vol.11, No.26, Oct.1912
IF political historians and economic writers had been as eager to record the experiments and efforts of mankind to achieve economic independence and to discover that form of government most conducive to individual freedom and public welfare, as they have been to exalt the doings of rulers and to find excuses for those legal privileges which form the basis of our selfish class interests, our political and economic knowledge would doubtless be far more extensive and reliable than it is.
Our present day economic problems are certainly not new. From time to time our ancestors undoubtedly attempted to discover a way out of the economic labyrinths. And yet how meagre our knowledge is!
One of these problems-which we know has occupied the attention of thinkers in all ages-has been how to provide a safe and satisfactory method of employing national and municipal credit for currency purposes, instead of borrowing the credit of professional bankers and moneylenders.
Very early in human history it was known that an industrial community, properly organised, having a stable form of government, and voluntarily submissive to a reasonable amount of taxation necessary for the expenses of the Government for constructive undertakings, such as roads, public buildings and for maintaining an Army for national defence, etc., etc., was possessed of an amount of credit superior to that of any individual member or to any single body of its citizens.
Abstract of lecture delivered June 19th before the members of the Banking and Currency Reform League, at Caxton Hall, Westminster.
Published in: The New Age, 1089, Vol. 13, No. 13, July 24, 1913
The world’s rulers are men mainly conspicuous by their noses, who occupy quiet offices at the backs of the great banking houses of London, Paris, New York, Berlin and Vienna -men who know nothing of the smell of gunpowder except that used for killing grouse and pheasants. Your modern Napoleon is a moneylender, a credit dealer, a direct descendant of those whom Christ drove from the Temple!The conquest of the world-which means the acquisition of economic and political power-has been achieved by a small group of otherwise insignificant persons who deal in gold and credit.