The Solution of the Problem of
"The Authority of the People"
The Solution of the
Economic Problem
The Social Basis
of the Third Universal Theory
The thinker Muammar Qaddafi does not present his thought for simple amusement or pleasure. Nor is it for those who regard ideas as puzzles for the entertainment of empty minded people standing on the margin of life.
Qaddafi's ideas interpret life as it erupts from the heart of the tormented, the oppressed, the deprived and the grief stricken. It flows from the ever-developing and conflicting reality in search of whatever is best and most beautiful.
Part One of The Green Book heralded the start of the era of the Jamahiriyat (state of the masses).
The Green Book, Part II concentrates on finding an ultimate solution to the world's economic problems. For many years we have all been torn by conflicting kinds of theories, whether of liberalism, communism or capitalism.
After directing his attention to purely political matters as he did in Part I of The Green Book Colonel Muammar Al Qaddafi, the Leader of the Great 1st of September Revolution now offers his conclusions on the way in which the world's economic problems can be solved.
The author preaches the emancipation of servants in a social revolution against need which has made them the serfs of the twentieth century.
He emphasises the necessity for the partnership of all workers in the means of production, liberating them finally from exploitation.
Part Three of The Green Book launches the social revolution. It presents the genuine interpretation of history the solution of man's struggle in life and the unsolved problem of man and woman. Equally it tackles the problem of the minorities and the blacks in order to lay down the sound principles of social life for all mankind.
The living philosophy is inseparable from life itself and erupts from its essence. It is the philosophy of Muammar Qathafi.
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