This was a series of pamphlets published in the USA during the 1970s, the series author being a Hungarian dissident by the name of Itsvan Bakony. The theme of the work was the history of jews and their relationship around the world within their Communism/Capitalism dialectic of The Cold War era.
Douglas Reed (1895 – 1976) was a British journalist, playwright, novelist and author of a number of books of political analysis. He was The Times correspondent in South-eastern Europe during which he was witness to the prevailing political machinations and social conditions.
His book Insanity Fair (193...
After a total suspension of news from Russia lasting between twenty-four and forty-eight hours, news reached England of the Revolution and the abdication of the Tsar. I remember going to my club and witnessing the enthusiasm of the members: Have you heard the g...
Father Charles Edward Coughlin was one of the most influential American figures of the 1930s. He published Social Justice magazine with a circulation of 900,000, and 220 employees. It was larger than most daily newspapers today. He had the most popular weekly radio program of all time, with some 40 m...
I am not an enemy of the Jews. For many years my written and spoken utterances have abounded with such phrases as, "There is a very real sense in which the Jews are God's Chosen People. Taken as a whole they are the most remarkable race of p...