Since 1914 great historic events have taken place. There was the World War, the Russian revolution, and the upheavals in Europe and elsewhere. These historic events brought to mankind disillusionment and bitter disappointment. The World War, which was expec...
Germany and England is a little known pamphlet By Nesta Webster, 1938 The small book is about Germany under National Socialism, and specifically its Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. Here is a different perspective from Nesta on the Origins of World War. Quite hard to find. Contains useful appendixes.
If you want to understand why Germans had no love for Jews and why Hitler was an incredible leader, read “Unfinished Victory.” Best first hand account, almost a blow by blow description, of how Jews screwed the Germans, started WWII, and how Hitler through sheer determination put Germans back on their f...
Horrifying, hate-filled, Jewish-authored book advocating genocide of the German (Amalek) people.
"Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war", wrote John Milton.
The great tragedy of the twentieth century is that peace has suffered defeats even after wars have been won...
This book is concerned with the diplomacy relating to Poland, its frontiers, and the composition of a Polish government in the years of the Second World War and immediately thereafter. The author has enjoyed access to Stanislaw Mikolajczyk's files, which provide valuable i...