Slave-Laboring German Prisoners of WarHolding and Abusing German Prisoners of war (and Scientists and Civilians) as Reparation Slaves Is an Atrocity So Sinister and Vile That in Recent Centuries Only the Crusading Unconditional Surrenderists Have Been Degenerate Enough to Try It.
Austin J. App, Ph. D, July 1946
One of the titanic figures of postwar revisionist historiography, Professor Austin J. App, died of kidney failure on 4 May 1984. A well-established author and scholar of English literature at the outbreak of World War II, Dr. App was soon appalled at the human suffering and political disaster caused by that "unnecessary conflict," and for the next four decades he was in the very forefront of those courageous scholars who, often in the face of severe academic and press hostility, sought to determine the historical truth about the war, and to publicize that truth far and wide.
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