Lady Battersea

Lady De Rothschild: Extracts From Her Notebooks: With a Preface by Her Daughter Constance Battersea (1912)

Lady De Rothschild: Extracts From Her Notebooks: With a Preface by Her Daughter Constance Battersea cover

From the Preface

I HAVE tried to collect and to put into some consecutive form a number of extracts, taken from various authors, often with her own comments, which were amongst my dear mother’s papers.

These extracts form a valuable index to forty years of reading! They are occasionally to be found scattered through her diaries, but more generally entered in small unpretentious note-books, which she always kept by her side, where she could transcribe in pen or pencil the passage that struck her fancy. Often the marks of the pencil were faint, or the pen was remiss in its duty, but if the instrument so employed was at times faulty, her own exquisite literary taste was never so.

Although, as far as possible, a continuity of dates has been faithfully observed‐from 1860 to 1907‐f0r a selection of extracts, still there occurs many a gap in the notes on books during those years, for which it would be difficult to find an explanation other than the fact that some note-books were probably destroyed or lost in the lapse of time.

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