Nesta Webster was a credible and respected historian. That is a fact.
A few years ago I pulled a small, forty-page book off the shelf that had been collecting dust for more than a year. The book title is Germany and England by Nesta Helen Webster which began the process of dispelling the myths surrounding WWII, and most especially the real reason Adolf Hitler was hated by the International Bankers; so hated that they decided in 1933 that “Germany must be destroyed”.
I came by way of the book from a newly made friend as a result of the Sweet Liberty radio broadcast that I’ve hosted for several years.
That small book was the beginning of a new phase in my lifelong search for ‘truth and understanding’, and my then new friend has since become an integral part of my life. We’ve laughingly considered that maybe we first met in that great library beyond this dimension. My love of reading, learning, knowing and understanding is surpassed only by hers.
While my search has always been of a spiritual nature, little did I know that a worldwide political plan cloaked in religion was the force that necessitated my search in the first place, for part of the plan itself is a form of spiritual vampirism. That is to say: spiritual truth known by the ancients has been blocked from our awareness by our religions, and in its place has been planted a perceived separation between us - each of us - and our Creator.
Miss Effie Burnthorn had the presence of mind as a young woman to purchase and read many historical books most of us didn’t even know existed. Why have we not known? Because no Zionist controlled publishing house would touch them. Most all of them are available today, thanks to courageous and dedicated Americans who dare to publish and make them available.
I am honored to have become the recipient of Miss Effie’s treasures; somehow she knew that one day I would discover the wealth of information awaiting my perusal and ‘do something’. The faith she placed in me by placing the books in my hands is the honor she bestowed upon me. I dedicate this work to her with deep affection and gratitude, for without her, it would never have happened. Thank you Effie ‘May’, from the bottom of my heart.
Your devoted friend – Jackie –
P.S. My thanks also to all of our listeners and friends who’ve sent books and material that have added to the treasure chest of truth and filled in many gaps. – J was made with much and personal effort and we really appreciate your kind support.