Paul Miliukov

Bolshevism: An International Danger, Its Doctrine and Its Practice Through War and Revolution (1920)

Bolshevism: An International Danger, Its Doctrine and Its Practice Through War and Revolution (1920) by Paul Miliukov

From the Preface

SOME time ago people who tried to prove to European public opinion that Russian Bolshevism was an imminent danger to the whole of the world's civilization invariably met with the ready objection, that Bolshevism belonged entirely and exclusively to Russia, and that it was no concern of any other country. Since then reflection and experience have taught people better, and we now often find that the word " Bolshevism " is applied to purely European phenomena which have little to do with Russian Bolshevism.

The truth is that Bolshevism has two aspects. One is international , the other is genuinely Russian. The international aspect of Bolshevism is due to its origin in a very advanced European theory. Its purely Russian aspect is chiefly concerned with its practice, which is deeply rooted in Russian reality and, far from brealdng with the " ancient regime," reasserts Russia's past in the present.

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