An Invitation Address Before the Famous Cardinal Newman Club of New York February 7, 1937
The subject listed for this address is “Anti‐Semitic Causes of Today”.
Quotation marks enclose the word “Anti-Semitic” because it is a misleading term.
It is of primary importance to know exactly what we are to talk about before analyzing a subject. Therefore, let us examine the designation “Anti-Semitic".
The number of Arabs, Syrians and Egyptians who are also Semites practically equals the Jewish world population total as supplied by Jewish authorities.
Therefore, to be “Anti‐Semitic" you must be against ALL members of the so‐called Semite Race‐which is an absurdity, since most Occidental peoples contact only the Jewish Oriental or Asiatic Semites. was made with much and personal effort and we really appreciate your kind support.