The International Jew - Volume II

Title, Contents and Introduction to The International Jew Volume 2.

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"... they come as if they own the country. They arrive as special guests. As on the otherside the passport businessis "arranged," so on this side the entrance business is "arranged." The laws are set aside. Health regulations are ignored."

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"There exists a French proverb, 'cet animal est tres impatient, 'il se-defend quand on l'attaque.' If the Jews are attacked, they will defend themselves,
and you will get something like internal troubles."

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"The time is coming, of course, when the whole Jewish Question may be threshed out by the government of the United States, but it will not be because an official precipitated it; it will be because the people will demand it."

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"First, the Jew is opposed to any restrictive legislation against his entrance into a country.
Second, the Jew is opposed to any racial classification of himself...
Third, the Jewish argument to the Gentile authorities is that the Jew represents religion and not race. "

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"A Nation is, in my mind, an historical group of men of a recognizable cohesion held together by a common enemy. Then, if you add to that the word 'Jewish' you have what I understand to be the Jewish nation."
-- Theodor Herzl

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"But the consensus of Jewish opinion is this : the Jews are a separate people, marked off from other races by very distinctive characteristics, both physical and spiritual, and they have both a national history and a national aspiration."

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"The idea that the jews compromise a nation is the most common idea of all-among the Jews. Not only a nation with a past, but a nation with a, future. More than that-not only a nation, but a Super-Nation."

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"Again says Justice Brandeis: Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality, of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.""

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"If there were no other evidence, the very evidence which many Jewish writers cite, namely, the instant siding of the Jews one with another upon any and every occasion, would constitute evidence of racial and national solidarity."

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-Vol. 20, American Jewish Historical Society
"Documents regarding the Thanksgiving Proclamation of Gov. Hoyt, of Pennsylvania (1880)"

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"The explanation most frequently given is this: the genius of the Jew is to live off people, not off land, nor off the production of commodities from raw material, but off people."

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"... General Bingham, then police commissioner of New York, that the Jewish population, which then amounted to 600,000, contributed 50 per cent of the criminals of the city."

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"Jewish finance differs radically from non-Jewish finance in the fact that Jewish bankers are essentially money-lenders. They may underwrite great flotations of bond and stock issues for railroad and industrial companies, governments and municipalities..."

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"The Jewish banker keeps his capital liquid. The cash is always in his coffers. This is essential to his position as one who deals in money. And when the inevitable day of financial stress arrives, he profits greatly by the higher value then placed on liquid capital."

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"The situation may be due merely to a shrewd analysis of the public mind. Rightly or wrongly, the public prefers not to confide its money to an institution under Jewish control."

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"Stock Exchange is also an interesting story, and al-though the record shows a steady Jewish gain toward the end they desire, it is slow, but there are indications that the relentless persistence for which the Jew
is noted, will prevail in the end... "

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"The stage is flooded with Jewish actors and actresses, but their names are very distinguished Anglo-Saxon. Jewish papers often print jokes based on this habit-of changing names."

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"Some of the biggest Jewish sensations which ever occurred in the United States, sensations which disclosed by their lurid light the interlocking of Jewish finance, politics and racial objectives, have been brought to light by occurrences in Wall Street."

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"These are the true parasites of the Wall Street environment, they are the camp followers without status. Their work is that of fraudulent stock promotion, and they enter upon it with a zeal and an energy which nothing can dismay."

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"If there is ever in the US a strong non-Jewish combination, it will be the direct result of the ancient Jewish coalition against non-Jews."

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Protocol 20

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"Rothschild power, as it was once known, has been so broadened by the entry of other banking families into governmental finance, that it must now be known not by the name of one family of Jews, but by the name of the race."

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"There is no question whatever of International Jewish Finance being deeply concerned in the matters of war and revolution. This is never denied as to the past, but it is just as true of the present."

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"Jewish finance treats political parties the same-bets on them both, and so never loses. In the same way, Jewish finance never loses a war. Being on both sides, it can-not miss the winning side, and its terms of peace are sufficient to cover all advances to the side that lost."

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"Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called "Anti-Semitism" and the explanation is given that "after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat""

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"The Japanese are credited with knowing much more about "the Jewish
peril" than even the United States does, and they were exceedingly wary. They kept the business deal strictly a business deal, and Mr. Schiff' was said to have been displeased with Japan generally."

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"Then, suddenly, in the early part of 1920, certain arrests were made and confessions obtained, which disclosed one of the most amazing criminal conspiracies in the history of the United States. There was proved the existence of a vast Jewish conspiracy to loot Wall Street... "

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"It is a, racial instinct, evidently, to protect the threatened one no matter how richly he may deserve punishment."

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"Who is this figure, colossal in his way, and most instructive of the readiness of Judah to take the rule whenever he desires?
His name is Bernard M. Baruch." "

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"He [Bernard Baruch] got it in a larger measure than even Lenin ever got Russia; for here in the United States the people saw nothing but the patriotic element; they did not see the Jewish Government looming above them. Yet it was there."

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"The Jews made much of Woodrow Wilson, far too much for his own good. They formed a solid ring around him. There was a time when he communicated to the country through no one but a Jew."

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"Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, who for some as yet undefined reason was made head and front of the United States at war, we have his own -word on several occasions that he was the most important man in the war."

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"Mr. Baruch, who had the "final determination" of everything, says that his power extended to the needs of the Army and Navy, the Shipping Board, the Rail-road Administration, touched also the Food and Fuel Administrations, and besides all that... "

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"Well could Mr. Baruch say-"I had more power than any man in the war." He could even have said: "We Jews had more power than you Americans did in the war" -and it would have been true. "

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"Mr. Baruch said there were 351 or 357 lines of industry under his control in the United States, including "practically every raw material in the world."
"I had the final authority," he said. Whether it was sugars or silk, coal or cannon, Mr. Baruch ruled its movements."

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Mr. Baruch: "I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did in the war, doubtless that is true." That, however, was not the full extent of Mr.
Baruch's control over industry. The heart of industry is Power. Mr. Baruch controlled the Power of the United States."

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"Here was one man, having supreme dictatorial power, at both ends of the common people's affairs. He admits that of the 351 or 357 lines of essential
industry which he controlled, he fixed the prices at which the commodities should be sold to the government and to civilians."

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"Certainly, the profits he allowed were so large that even where the 80 per cent was paid back-where it was paid back (there were all kinds of evasions and frauds)-the profits were still enormous. And 73% of the "war millionaires" of New York in spite of the 80% are Jews."

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"There was no elected member of the United States Government who was closer, or even as close, to the President during the war as was this Jew out of Wall Street."

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"This, then, is a sidelight on what has been called the "Kosher Conference," a name given to the Peace Conference by Frenchmen who were astounded to see thousands of Jews from all parts of the world appear in Paris as the chosen counsellors of the rulers of the nations."

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"Mr. Baruch is but one illustration of the clustering of Jewry about the war machinery of the United States."

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"Not only the legitimate stage, but the motion picture industry is also Jew-controlled, entirely; with the natural consequence that now the world is in arms against the trivializing and demoralizing influences of that form of entertainment as at present managed."

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"millions of Americans every day place themselves voluntarily within range of Jewish ideas of life, love \& labor; within range of Jewish propaganda, sometimes cleverly, sometimes clumsily concealed. This gives the Jewish masseur of the public mind all the opportunity he desires."

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"Down to 1885 the American Theater was still in the hands of the Gentiles. From 1885 dates the first invasion of Jewish influence. "

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"The present-day average of intelligence appealed to in the American Theater does not rise above 13 to 18 years. The appeal is frankly to a juvenile type of mind which can be easily molded to the ideals of the Hebraic theatrical monopoly."

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"The changes which the Jews have made in the theater, and which any half-observant theatergoer can verify with his own eyes, are four in number."

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"A third consequence of Jewish domination of the American stage has been the appearance of "the New York star" system, with its advertising appliances. The last few years of the Theater have been marked by numerous "stars" that really never rose and certainly never shone... "

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"In brief, whereas in normal times the public made the "star" by their acclaim, nowadays the Jewish managers determine by their advertisements who the star shall be. "

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"As early as the year 1896 the Theatrical Trust controlled 37 theaters in strategic cities. The men composing this alliance were Klaw and Erlanger,
Nixon and Zimmerman, and Hay ran and Frohman. All but Zimmerman were Jews, and his racial origin was a subject of dispute."

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"The motion picture industry was coming to the front. It was a Jewish enterprise from the first. There never was any need to drive Gentiles out of that, because the Gentiles never had a chance to get in."

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"The masses' sole idea of the homes \& the life of the rich is derived from the stage \& the movies. More wrong notions are given, more prejudices created by the Jewish controlled theater in one-week, than can be charged against a serious study of the Jewish Question in a century."

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"It is perfectly natural, therefore, that the complete Judaization of the theater should result in its being transformed into "the show business," a mere matter of trade and barter."

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"Thus it is now not strange where theatrical slang comes from. An actor who wins success "delivered the goods." A girl of no particular class is a "skirt." A young chorus girl is a "broiler" or a "chicken." An actress who plays the part of an adventuress is a "vamp.""

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"As the matter now stands, the American Public is as helpless against the films as it is against any other exaggerated expres-sion of Jewish power."

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"Reader, beware! if you so much as resent filth of the movies... anti-Semitism. The movies are Jewish. If you fight filth, the fight carries you straight into the Jewish camp because the majority of the producers there. And then you are "attacking the Jews.""

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"It is a very noticeable fact that whenever any attempt is made to control the tumultuous indecency and triviality which the movies ceaselessly pour out day and night upon the American public, the opposition thereto is Jewish."

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"And they can go on beating the air for a lifetime and still obtain no improvement, unless they face the unpleasant racial fact that the movies are Jewish. It is not a question of morals-that question has been settled; it is a question of management."

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"Who stands at the apex of this mountain of control? It is stated in the sentence: The motion pic- ture influence of the United States - and Canada - is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind."

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"These are official heads. Penetrate down through entire organizations, until you come to the last exhibition of the cracked and faded film in some out-price theater in an obscure part of a great city, \& you will find the picture business, on its commercial side, is Jewish..."

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"It is very difficult to see how the Jewish leaders of the United States can evade the point that Motion Pictures are Jewish. And with this being true, there is the question of responsibility upon which they cannot very well be either impersonal or silent."

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"This ill conceived propaganda of Jewish moviempicture control is also directed against non-Jewish religions. You never saw a rabbi depicted on the screen in any but a most honorable attitude. He is clothed with all the dignity of his office \& he is made as impressive as can be."

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"Two possible views are open to choice: one, that this constant caricature of representatives of religion is simply the natural expression of a worldly state of mind; the other, that it is part of a traditional campaign of subversion."

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"These, then, are some of the facts of the American motion picture world. They are not all the facts, but each of them is important. Not one can be overlooked by students of the influence of the theater."

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"Two organizations, both of which are asnotable for their concealment as for their power, are the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. By concealment is meant the fact that they exist in such important numbers and touch vitally so many points of American life... "

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"The capitalist and the Bolshevik, the rabbi and the union leader, the strikers and the em-ployers struck against, are all united under the flag
of Judah. Touch the conservative capitalist who is a Jew, and the red anarchist who is also a Jew will spring to his defense."

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"It is a magnificent spectacle the Kehillah presents, people of one racial origin, vivid belief in itself \& its future, disregarding open differences, to combine in a powerful organization for racial, material \& religious advancement of its own race to exclusion of all others."

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"Rabbi Asher was loudly applauded when he said:
"American interests are one, Jewish interests are another thing.""

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"... the jews began to make such demands as that Christmas carols should be suppressed in the schools, that Christmas trees should be banished from police stations in poor neighborhoods; and that the Easter holidays should be abolished, as "offensive to the Jews"... "

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"... the Jew knows the Jewish Question better than anyone else, and he knows better than any Gentile when a statement hits the bull's-eye of the

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"But it is not true that "Jewish rights" are the same as "American rights." Unfortunately the Jews have adopted an attitude which could only have sprung from the belief that it is a "Jewish right" to Judaize the United States."

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"It is time to limit our 'broad-mindedness" until it will fit within the limits of the Constitution and the traditions which made America what it is-the desired haven, even in preference to Palestine, of the Jews and every other race."

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"These are "Jewish rights" as they are indicated by Jewish demands. But they are by no means all; they are merely typical of all the so-called "rights" and all the insistent demands."

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"From a survey of the demands, these appear to be some of the "Jewish rights" which Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee are organized to secure. And how far they say they have succeeded, we shall next see."

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"misleading... that Jews are the Old Testament people of the Old Testament religion which is so highly regarded in the Christian world... the Old Testament, their Bible, can be found among them only with difficulty, They are a Talmudical people... "

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"Jewish writers nowadays show a great deal of anxiety that non-Jews should follow certain Christian doctrines. "We gave you your Savior, and he told you to love your enemies; why don't you love us?" is the implication with which their statements usually come."

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"1907-8 the Jews during this year for the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights."

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"not content with their own liberty, not content with the "secularization," which means the de-Christianization of all public institutions, the third step observable in Jewish activities is the actual exaltation of Judaism as a recognized and specially privileged system."

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"Palestine, which still has only a handful of Jews, is peopled by Semites
who so thoroughly dislike the Jews that serious complications are threatening the Zionistic advances being made there. This surely is not anti-Semitism. Semites are not against Semites."

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"There is no such thing as anti-Semitism... only mild anti-Jewism. But a study of Jewish publications, books, pamphlets, declarations, constitutions \& charters, as well as study of organized Jewish action countries, indicates a tremendous amount of anti-Goyism or anti-Gentilism."

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"A few names recurr again and again. They are the names one meets at all Senate hearings, at various strategic places in the War Government of the United States, and at every stage of Jewish interference with American foreign policy."

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"Enough is shown to indicate how fully organized the Jews are, how they are linked together by every conceivable bond, the material of every bond being their racial likeness."

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"The "persecution" in Rumania was the protest of the Rumanian peasantry against the two greatest menaces to the peasant farmers - the Jew-controlled liquor and mortgage traffics."

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"In its work, the Anti-Defamation League always takes the offensive and works along pretty well defined lines. Ordinarily the head of the Anti-Defamation League in each city is a man competent to bring pressure to bear on the public press."

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"For this state of affairs the Anti-Defamation League receives the credit. Whenever a newspaper printed the word "Jew" as an identifying noun after
the name of anyone who had been discredited, the Anti-Defamation League was instantly on the job in protest."

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"The AJC, can on one day's notice organize Mass Meetings in every city in the US. They are mechanical devices, of course, not so much expressions of the Jewish mind as they are attempts to impress the non-Jewish mind. There is a great deal of theatrical calculation in them."

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"It is all part of one mistaken program, to prohibit free speech, with reference to the Jew. It is utterly at one side of all that American principles mean. Shut him up! Boycott him ! Tear down his painting ! Bar his words from the mails and public library!"

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"From the prohibition of the Bible to the prohibition of Shakespeare, the whole Jewish course has been a colossal mistake, the reaction from which will be to belittle Jewish public judgment in the future."

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"It is a curious fact that just as the Jews have sought to operate through the Masons and then leave that Order to take the brunt of the ensuing assault, so also have they at times sought to operate through the Jesuits, playing the same trick with that name and Order."

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"Disraeli also gives voice to the feeling, which every Jew has, that whoever opposes the Jew is doomed."

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"Here the prime minister of Great Britain, from the wealth of his traditions as a Jew and the height of his observation as prime minister, describes the
method of the Jew in peace and war, exactly as others have tried to describe it."

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"If a non-Jew had limned a Sidonia, so truthfully showing the racial history and characteristics of the Jews, he would have been subjected to that pressure which the Jews apply to every truth-teller about themselves. But Disraeli could do it... "

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"It is the same story. Everywhere, even in the US, the same story. Crying for pity while usurping power! "We poor Jews" wails a New York multi-millionaire at whose finger legislatures quail and even Presidents of the United States grow respectful."

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"If these words had been written by a non-Jew, the cry of anti-Semitism would ring through the land. They are true, neither more nor less true, because written by a Jew."

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"American Jews say that the Protocols are inventions. Is Benjamin Disraeli an invention? Was this Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain misrepresenting his people? Are not his portrayals taken as true history?"

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"The cry of "persecution" arose because the Jews were not permitted to exploit the peasants as much as they desired. They have, however, gained
that privilege since."

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"Presently, after years of underground work and open propaganda against Russia in the daily press, until the American conception of Russia was fixed almost beyond correction, the agitation took the form of the "Russian passport question."

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"Of course, the whole point with Russia was that the Jews were exploiting her. They were milking Russia, not feeding her. If space permitted, much rich material could be presented here."

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"Jewish immigration into the United States being so important an element of Jewish plans, American Jews have never cared what kind of human riffraff filled the country as long as the Jewish flood was not hindered. "

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"The methods by which the Jews set forth to force Congressional action are all known, and the glee with which Jewry hailed the event is also known. Two governments had been beaten-the American and the Russian! And an American President had been reversed!"

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"Frankfort was to have the handling of American trade with Russia, and
Jewry was to have that club over Russia. Money, more and more money, always accompanies every Jewish plan for racial or political power. They make the world pay them for subjugating it."

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""Watch us get him," is the word that is passed along. Jews in charge of ticker news services adopt the slogan of "a rumor a day."... The whole campaign against the critic of" Jewry, whoever he may be, is keyed to the threat, "Watch us get him."

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"The "whispering drive," "the boycott," these are the chief Jewish answers. They constitute the bone and sinew of that state of mind in non-Jews which is known as "the fear of the Jews.""

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"Thirty years ago the New York press was free. Today it is practically all Jewish controlled. This control is variously exercised, sometimes resting only on the owners' sense of expediency. But the control is there and, for the moment, it is absolute."

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"And as the most extensive advertisers are the department stores, and as most department stores are owned by Jews, it comes logically that Jews often try to influence the news policies at least, of the papers with whom they deal."

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"The Jewish policy of "Dominate or Destroy" was at stake, and jewry declared war. As one man, the Jewish advertisers withdrew their advertisements from Mr. Bennett's newspapers."

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"They were obsessed by the fatuous idea that to control journalism in New York meant to control the thought of the country. They regarded New York as the metropolis of the United States, whereas all balanced minds regard it as a disease."

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"Today we go back to the home of that quarter of a million people who are so rapidly being landed on our shores to see what they did there, and to find the basis for Jewish propaganda statements that these people are fleeing from "persecution.""

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"SIR H. RUMBOLD says: "It is giving the Jews very little real assistance to single out, as is sometimes done, for reprobation and protest the country where they have perhaps suffered least.""

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"When one thinks of what happened to the other racial, religious and linguistic minorities' of Europe in modern times * * * the Jews appear not as the most persecuted but as the most favored people of Europe.""

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"Initiative in business matters is almost entirely the prerogative of the Jewish population * * * Nearly the whole of the estate agents who act for the Polish nobility are of the Jewish race * * * Jews form the middle class almost in its entirety."

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"... East Jews are hardly ever producers, but nearly always middlemen." "Economically, the Jews appear at the very outset as dealers, not as producers, nor even as artisans, and chiefly dealers 'in money; in course of time the whole business and commerce of Poland became theirs"

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"It is alleged that the Jews were active in speculation in foodstuffs, which was encouraged by the armies of occupation with a view to facilitating export to Germany and Austria." That is, the Jews were the means by which Poland was to be drained of its food supply."

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"practice of Jewish real estate syndicates purchasing a house in the middle of a desirable block, ousting the tenants and installing a Negro family, thereby using race prejudice to depreciate the property in the entire block and render it purchasable by the Jews at a low price."

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"Unfortunately, when these stores were introduced into Poland, they were advertised as a means of eliminating the Jewish trader. The Jews have, therefore, been caused to feel that the establishment of co-operatives is an attack upon themselves."

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"Then Europe fell upon Poland, divided her asunder, until in the roster of the nations there was no more Poland, except in the hearts of Polish people. During this period of Poland's humiliation, the Jews grew to be a mighty power, ruling the Poles, regulating their very lives."

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"Trouble between the Jews and other people is designated as trouble only when it begins to grow inconvenient for the Jew. It is then that he sends the
cry of "persecution" around the earth, though the plain fact may be that he is only being nipped at his own game."

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"... it is a fact that we hear more, far more, about the sufferings of the Jews than of any other people. There is, however, this reaction of the practical mind: Grant that robberies, assaults and murders described in the complaint, have occurred, why should they occur?"

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"Mr. Morgenthau does not speak of "pogroms" at all. In this he sets an example that certain hysterical American Jews ought to follow."

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"The fact seems to be, that as soon as any sort of order could be brought out of the chaos of war, the disorder ceased. And yet we read, even today in our newspapers, of "thousands and tens of thousands of Jews being slaughtered in Poland.""

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"Wherever the Bolshevik Red armies swept across Poland, the-Jews met them with welcomes. This is no longer denied, even in the United States: it is explained by the statement that the Bolsheviki are more friendly to the Jews than are the Poles..."

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"Ukraine, the Ukrainian Central Rada, on January 9, 1918, and called the Statute of National Personal Autonomy, of which I have a copy. It organizes the Jews as a nation with full sovereign powers, the Ukrainian bank notes were printed in Yiddish. as well as in Ukrainian."

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"the Jewish investigators who must have known all this virtually concealed it, and that the other investigators brought it forth to general knowledge. Neither is it of minor significance that the Jewish press has absolutely suppressed these facts... "

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"Saturday. Poland is prohibited from having a registration on Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath is established by law, and government and courts must govern themselves accordingly. Do what you like on Sunday-order elections on Sunday, as the Poles sometimes do-but not Saturday... "

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"What the Bolsheviki did in Russia, the Peace Conference did in Poland - established the Jewish Sabbath."

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"Article 12 stipulates the agreements "racial, linguistic and religious minorities," mere diplomatic camouflage for "Jews," placed under guaranty of the League of Nations. All they will have to do is to complain to the League of Nations-and International Jewry will do the rest."

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"Every one knew that there was such a Question; the Jew himself knew best of all; but very few possessed the courage to open the Question to the sanitary influences of sunlight and speech."

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"it is true that, whereas a year ago it was not possible to speak the word "Jew" in the US, it is now possible. The name appears on the front page of every newspaper nearly every day. It is the subject of discussion everywhere. For the time at least, speech has been liberated"

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"the leaders of American Jewry might be wise to see that this is the country and this is the time in which the causes of distress and distrust and disrepute might be removed from Jewry and a genuine modus operandi, not of toleration, but of reconciliation, arrived at."

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"If there are facts which are unfavorable to the Jews, that is a matter for the Jews. If the Jews do despite to a certain class of facts, it may be necessary to produce still another class of facts."

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"The Jew assumes that the US is still an unformed entity, fair prey to any who can seize it and mold it. That is his attitude today. He refuses to assume that America is here, he adopts the belief that part of his duty is to bring America into being, on Jewish lines, of course."

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"And those [US] ideals were ideals held by a white race of Europeans. They were fundamentally Christian ideals. And with most of these the Jews not only disagree, but hold them in contempt."

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"The Jews are leaving Poland because they know something is going to happen. And if they are leaving Poland it is a sign it is going to happen to Poland. And if the Jews have advance news of it, it is a sign that what will occur will be inflicted by Jews."

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"We are now being utilized to assist at the destruction of Poland. It is possible, however, that by the time the Jewish program reaches that point, something may have intervened."

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"Mark this: All the anti-Semitism that exists in the US today is the deliberate creation of the Jewish leaders and is a recent creation. Jewish leaders want anti-Semitism here. Unable to create it among non-Jews, seeking effects of it among Jews by telling them that it exists."

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"We believe in Free Speech and unfettered conviction. By means of these the people may yet hope to clean up the United States. The Jews do not believe in Free Speech. They do not believe in a Free Press."

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"Jewish recognition of the truth has been expressed in soberness among the leaders. Jewish action in response has been, for themselves, denial; for others, SUPPRESSION. The result to date is :- abject failure to meet the case."

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