Notes from the book:
"The Jew is the heir of the slave-baron in Dougherty... Here and there are tales of projects for money-getting, born in the swift days of Reconstruction, — "improvement" companies, wine.companies, mills and factories; nearly all failed and the Jew fell heir."
'This plantation, owned now by a Russian Jew... the " Oakey Woods" had been ruined and ravished , into a red waste, out of which only a Yankee ot a Jew- could squeeze more blood from debt-cursed tenants.'
"Most of this land was poor, and beneath the notice of the slave-baron, before the war. Since then his nephews and the poor whites and the Jews have seized it."
"Then the character of the farms begins to change. Nearly all the lands belong to Russian Jews; the overseers are white, and the cabins are bare board-houses scattered here and there."
"...sons of poor whites fired with a new thirst for Wealth and power, thrifty and avaricious Yankees, shrewd and unscrupulous Jews. Into the hands of these men the Southern laborers, white and black, have fallen; and this to their sorrow."
"an ignorant honest Negro buy and pay for a farm in installments three separate times, and then in the face of law and decency the enterprising Russian Jew who sold it to him pocketed money and deed and left the black man landless, to labor on his own land at thirty cents a day."
"But there is a patent defence at hand, — the defence of deception and flattery, of cajoling and dying. It is the same defence which the Jew of the Middle Age used and which left its stainp^cn their character for centuries."
'a dark and pierced Jew, who knows the writhings of the earthly damned, saying, as he laid those heart-wrung talents down, "Well done!" while round about the morning stars sat singing.'
"William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American sociologist, socialist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor."
Later editions of "The Souls Of Black Folk" were self-censored under pressure from The Jews. was made with much and personal effort and we really appreciate your kind support.