H. Ryssen on The Jewish Question

"The following text is a summary of six books written by Hervé Ryssen,
published between 2005 and 2010, constituting the most important
study on the Jewish mind ever published."

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"The word “paradox” reappears regularly in the writings of all Jewish intellectuals, all over the world, throughout all history: this is not an accident."

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"We are all, in fact, well aware of the tendency of Jewish intellectuals to cry “genius!” upon the discovery of almost any work by a fellow Jew."

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"The Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, declared:
“The greatest danger threatening Jewish life comes not from anti-Semitism or persecution, but from assimilation and mixed marriages”."

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"In the perfect world which they believe they are creating, all conflict will have completely vanished... That is why, wherever they settle, Jews militate ceaselessly and untiringly for the elimination of all borders and the breakdown of all national identity."

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Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in late 1986: “Jewish
suffering should be of concern to all of humanity. The day will come
when crimes against the Jews will be considered crimes against
humanity, and crimes against humanity as crimes against the Jewish

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"The elimination of borders is an ideal to be attained, but the “open”
society will only be viable on the condition of the annihilation of all
instincts of race and local characteristics. The “pure races” must be
“mixed” to dissolve all feeling of identity..."

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"There are different ways to “pacify” men and nations. Carpet bombing,
or Soviet totalitarianism, is one way. But “liberal democracy” and the
“consumer society” work much better."

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"All these incessant “sensitisation” campaigns on topics like “slavery”, “colonialism”, the “looting of the Third World”, “global warming”, “Auschwitz”, etc., have one object – and one object only – and that is to bring about the advent of world government."

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"”… This is what is called “accusatory inversion”, i.e., “Freudian projection”."

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"Judaism, we see, is a dissolving force in all nations in which it is introduced. The Jews like to “break down barriers”, “shatter taboos”, as they themselves very often say."

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Best to watch Satan in Hollywood on this:

  • Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/satan-in-hollywood
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    "All this propaganda was no doubt intended to pave the way for the
    forthcoming election, by the American people, in November 2008, of
    the first Black President of the United States."

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The Races Do Not Exist

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"All these directors and script writers are “extra-terrestrials disguised as human beings” and “agents of the Matrix”."

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"This type of declaration does not prevent Jewish intellectuals, as a
whole sobbing \& screaming vociferously the moment anyone even mentions the famous Protocols – a “forgery”, according to them, but one which magnificently describes the contemporary world."

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The jews' harvest... "The Jews, as we see, are always working to
establish “Permanent World Peace”. Everything here is a question of vocabulary. Everybody is for “peace”. After crushing their enemies, everybody is for “peace”."

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The lying weasel. Apparently it's the anniversary they're celebrating today.

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"But, curiously, no historian has dared mentioned the “Jewish human soap” on TV and other “lampshades of human skin” since the end of the 1980s."

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"The Jews are little inclined to forgiveness and always intend to revenge themselves in one way or another. This, again, is a recurrent theme of Jewish literature..."

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"to “liberate” all of humanity – erasing tradition, religion, nationalities and all tradition, destroying all differences between men, so as to enable a perfect world to arise and flourish. It was necessary to “erase the past”, so that a “new man” might appear."

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"At this time, the regime planned a famine to liquidate the Ukrainian peasants. The number of deaths resulting from the famine of 1932 amounted to between four and five million, but could be on the order of
ten million”, writes the Jewish historian..."

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"We know that, after 1945, Jews were placed at the head of governments in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania. Matthieu
Rakosi, who directed Hungary until 1953, was really named Matthieu

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"They get hugely indignant, heaping calumny upon the person deemed guilty, never hesitating before the foulest slanders – something “anti-Semites” have always complained of, all down through the ages. To finish the job, they file lawsuits, unless the victim apologizes publicly."

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The Scapegoat Theory/Denying the Evidence

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The Inversion of Reality

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"Anti-Semitism is the result of the benefits brought to humanity by the Jews. These benefits are so great that they embarrass those who receive them, and awaken hatred against their benefactors among the

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"It attests to the existence on earth of envious idiots, reactionaries and failures."

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An Illness

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Accusatory Projection

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Hatred of Humanity

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The Mafia

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📺The Jewish Mafia Hervé Ryssen, English subtitles

"Have you ever heard of this gigantic swindle? No, of course not.
Which is quite normal, because these same people control our TV

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Hopefully you get the drift, many examples.

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"He stole the investments of the Stephen Spielberg Foundation and the
Elie Wiesel Foundation. Fifty billion dollars disappeared! It was the
biggest swindle in the history of the world." 😄

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"Rabbi Levy Izhak Rosenbaum was accused of persuading Moldovan donors to sell their kidneys for 10,000 dollars, so as to resell them for 16 times as much in the USA and Israel. “He targeted vulnerable people”, stated Mark MacCarron, substitute Federal prosecutor."

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"It may be a bit easier to understand now why Jewish intellectuals,
as a whole, are fiercely opposed to the death penalty. It is not just the
fruit of philosophical reflection, but, rather, of a well-understood self-interest..."

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"To Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, bisexuality was
inherent in each human being. After him, it was chiefly Jewish
intellectuals who have been at the vanguard of the homosexual

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"the magic formula of, “homosexuality for the white man; race-mixing for the white woman”."

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"The objective is always the same: the dissolution of identities, whether sexual, social or national, and the coagulation of the atomic particles so as to unify the world and work for the advent of definitive “peace” on earth, which would be the “peace of Israel”:"

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"Psychiatrists, who make up only 6% of all physicians in America, make up 28% of all practitioners punished for crimes of a sexual nature. Between 10 and 25% of mental health practitioners were said to have abused their patients."

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"In the United States, an Internet site – the Awareness Center –
listed hundreds of rabbis, both Israeli and American, persecuted for
sexual attacks on children."

  • https://theawarenesscenter.blogspot.com/
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    "We know that the Jewish people love to encourage an air of mystery and secrecy, and that incest, in particular, is one of the secrets, if not the top secret of Judaism."

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"The feminist Elisabeth Badinter explains (XY: On Masculine Identity, 1992), that this is all quite natural: “The good mother is naturally incestuous and paedophile. Nobody would ever dream of complaining of it, but they all wish to forget it, including the mother and son”."

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"Incestuous relations between brother and his sister are made to appear rather common, at least judging by the cultural production of
Jewish cinema."

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"There is no doubt an urgent need for an official inquiry into the problem to provoke a discussion, intended to break the succession of “incestuous generations”."

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"In this letter, as Freud wrote to his great friend, Dr. Wilhem Fliess, “Unfortunately, my own father was one of these perverts: he is the cause of my brother’s hysteria (whose condition I am still striving to diagnose), and some of my younger sisters...”"

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"By inventing the “Oedipus complex”, he concealed the reality of incest within Jewish families while exculpating Jewish parents. And he covered his tracks even further by projecting this Jewish specificity onto a universal plane, through the mechanism of a Greek hero"

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  • Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/HerveRyssenJewsIncestAndHysteria

    In reply to the question of “What is a Jew?”, Nobel Prize Winner
    Isaac Bashevis Singer, interviewed in The New York Times Magazine
    of November 1978, replied: “It is someone who, when he is unable to
    sleep, keeps everyone else from going to sleep”.

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"Jewish directors thus compensate for this suffering by imagining the Jew finally recognized for what he is: a brilliant being, definitively a genius, who deserve to be worshipped with incense and applauded
until the roof falls in."

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"Jewish art ... it corresponds to a spirit, a mental universe, an imaginary world which is very specific to the incestuous sect of Judaism. All this is much less the sign of a desire to “pervert” what is beautiful, than it is the expression of a neurosis."

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"There are many novels depicting Jews in their attempts to escape from
Judaism; in each case, the protagonist is compelled to return, drawn by
a mysterious force. In the contrary event, the hero is ineluctably
compelled to commit suicide."

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"history records not one single known case of an “anti-Semite” who suddenly began to adore the “Chosen People” after discovering a remote Jewish ancestor."

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The Symptoms of Insanity

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"It is hardly surprising to find that some Jews take refuge in suicide
rather than remain the prisoners of the incestuous sect of Judaism,
whose lofty talk of “universal and lasting peace” can barely conceal a
plan to enslave humanity."

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"At the beginning of this, the third millennium, this hysterical contagion is propagating itself in all homes, threatening all cultures, all religions, all identities. Nothing seems capable of stopping the advance..."

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