📘The Conquering Jew (1915) by Sir John Foster Fraser, 1868-1936

📘The Conquering Jew (1915) by Sir John Foster Fraser
Cover \& Contents

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"...these pages are not written from a pro- Semite or anti-Semite point of view... In a vague way, like everybody else, I was conscious that the Jew was “ getting hold of everything,”"

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"Now, I am certain—though the point is open to controversy—that if it had not been for persecution, the Jews would have disappeared centuries ago."

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"It is an error to assume their heart’s desire was to settle in Palestine; in fact, it has never been so... It was not the Romans who compelled the dispersal of the Jews. The diaspora began long before our era; it has never ceased; the Jews have scattered over the whole earth."

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"we hear much about desire on the part of the Jews to keep their blood purity, the purity has been maintained, not because of orthodoxy, but because it was abhorrent to other peoples to become allied with the Jews."

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"Wherever you go—China, Norway, South Africa, the West Indies—you meet the Jews. Considering the world’s population of 1,600,000,000, the total number of Jews is insignificant, but their influence in the affairs of the world is colossal."

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"The Jew has no genuine love of Nature. Whether he ever had I do not know, but doubt it... the fact remains that the Jew, as such, has no liking for an agricultural life... it is our duty to remember that centuries of repression must have bred deceit in the Jews."

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"Remember that all modern commercial enterprise, represented by joint stock banks, trusts, syndicates, stock exchange speculation, even the great department stores, were originated by Jews. Nowhere is competition so keen as in the United States."

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"What we call the American system of finance was invented by Jews. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrive in the United States, and the Jews are the poorest of them all. Yet it is the Jews who become the richest men in America."

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"All the modern conditions of finance for which America is famous are, as already indicated, Jewish in their inception...Behind many of the great trusts — smelting, tobacco, telegraphs, banking, wheat, trading concerns — you find the Jewish mind at work."

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"The first two voyages of Columbus were financed through loans
obtained from the Jews. Jews certainly accompanied the great navigator... When the United States went to war with Great Britain and secured independence, it was the Jews who raised the money."

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"The amazing increase of Jewish immigration into the United States has been within the last quarter of a century. There have been two reasons : economic pressure against the Jews in Russia and the glamour of America. Within the last ten years 932,000 avowed Jews have landed..."

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"From banking to the hire-purchase system, the Jew has laid the way. He laid the foundations of international capitalism. For business reasons many Jews pretend to be Gentiles, but their qualities are Jewish, all the same."

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"Mixed marriages, however, are now on the increase. It should be marked there is a greater tendency toward Christian men marrying the Jewish women than for the Jewish men to marry Christian"

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"It should, however, not be overlooked that fewer children are the result of the union in mixed marriages than in purely Jewish marriages of the same class ; that the parents are less fecund. As a matter of fact, there is a tendency to sterility."

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"there is a distinct move—I had almost written a distinct propaganda—to minimise the financial power of the Jews, to insist on the poverty of Judea, and to hold that the number of Jewish millionaires is exaggerated."

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"With brilliant exceptions—Benjamin Disraeli, for example — they have generally been concerned in anti-royalist and revolutionary movements, with advantage to their own race at the back of their minds."

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"The Jew is more prone to hazard than the Christian. Business of a shrewd and cautious character, “ bulling ” and “ bearing ” on the Stock Exchange, money-lending, the getting of something for nothing, appeals to him."

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"By race they are Asiatic, yet only 8 per cent, of the Jews to-day live in Asia. Nearly a quarter of the world’s Jews live in English-speaking countries."

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"The movement of precious metals throughout the world is under the influence of Jews. It is rightly said that no big war can be waged
except by the financial assistance of the Jews. No national or international loan can be floated if the Jews care to act together and
stop it."

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"Amongst European banks and firms run by Jewish capital and controlled by Jews are the Dresdner Bank, and the Handels-Gesellschaft, the Credit Mobilier of Paris, Bischoffsheim, and Goldschmidt. The greatest bullion brokers in London are Jews."

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"It is only within recent years that the Jews have been permitted to fight for their country. Now the Jew is not a fighting man — though some of the worst hooligans in our great cities are Jews — and although physical courage is not a strong point..."

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"In Freemasonry the symbolism is peculiarly Jewish. In both America and England there are a number of lodges formed exclusively of Jews... each State in America has its own Grand Lodge, and eighteen of these have been presided over by Jewish Grand Masters."

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"It may be mentioned that the Argentine wheat trade is controlled by four Jewish firms."

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"Jews play an important part in the municipal government of England. In England, indeed, you find Jews in the Privy Council, the House of Lords, in the House of Commons, on the bench of the High Court. The chief protagonists of Continental Socialism were Jews —Marx \& Lassalle."

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"Here is a coincidence. The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2nd, 1492. It was the next day that Columbus sailed west to the land which may become the principal home of the Jews in the world."

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"During the War of Independence American Jews were on both sides; for many Jews remembered they had grown wealthy under British rule. On the other hand, Colonel Solomon Bush fought under Washington, and Hyam Solomon gave his whole fortune to assist America."

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"The Jewish invasion has frightened many Americans, until there has grown a considerable body of opinion in favour of closing the gates of Ellis Island to the shoals of immigrants that yearly seek asylum in the United States."

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"When we talk about the ill-treatment of the Jews, we cannot allow to slip out of our mind that in the cruelty of modern industrialism, overcrowding, sweating, the most heartless treatment of Jews is chiefly at the hands of other Jews."

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"Few things gratify a Jew more than the feeling that he is “ taken up ” by well-to-do Gentiles."

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"The Jewish Chronicle (London) wrote (May, 1914) : “ Even in vast America this constant infiltration creates agitation and dissatisfaction, and nobody can say when the door at Ellis Island will be placed ajar, and then, perchance, closed altogether."

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"The flood of Germans, Poles, and Italians is mentioned only as a matter of record; but the Russian Jew is pointed out apprehensively, almost alarmingly : Let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply.”"

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"With the achievement of financial success came influence, and influence brought arrogance, also in great abundance... but their incessant pursuit of wealth has stunted the growth of their intellect."

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"It was no other than the German-American Jew who had poisoned the American Press with the venom of distrust against the Russian refugees.” See how these Jews hate one another!"

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"Yet the antipathy to the Jews is only surpassed by the general recognition that the negro should be kept in a state of perpetual inferiority."

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"Craftiness in the Jew has been cultivated by Christian treatment. It is easy to point to trickery and dishonest Jews, but in doing so we lay ourselves open to tu quoque. Every country, said a great German statesman, has the Jews it deserves."

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"Perhaps in some distant epoch Americanism may be influenced by the ideals of Judaism. It is possible for the two sets of ideals to be conjoined in the same person."

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'"The United States will educate the Jewish people to become a political force, able to utilise its own power for its own interest as a defence against its enemies.” These are serious and significant words.'

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"The most remarkable thing about the connection of Jews with Freemasonry in America is that during 1906-7 five Jews were at one time at the head of as many State Grand Lodges. The introduction of opera into the United States was largely due to the instrumentality of the Jews."

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"There is all the difference in the world,” said a young Jewish philosopher, "between an American Jew and a Jewish American. A Jewish American is a mere amateur Gentile, doomed to be a parasite for ever.”"

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"Of the 2,000,000 Jews in the United States, half are to be found in New York. New York is the largest Jewish city in the world."

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"Jews are pawnbrokers, but they are also financiers, like Speyer, Seligman, Loeb, and Schiff. There are five Guttenheims amongst the smelters of Colorado. Twenty-five per cent, of the silversmiths of America are Jews."

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"There are at least 250Jewish millionaires in America. It is useless even to guess the amount of Jewish capital invested in the United States; but it is known that in the wholesale trades the Jewish New York merchants do a billion dollars of business in a year."

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"There is no anti-Jewish feeling. Six Galveston institutions have Jews at their head. The Universities have Jewish professors. The Jews hold high rank as Freemasons, and those that are clubable are welcomed in the clubs."

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"A generation ago Americans had most of the trade in the United States, with a few German Jews on the outskirts. The Russian Jews have completely swept them aside. They got the business by underselling, starving, sweating, being content with the smallest return."

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"One needs only to read the real-estate transfers published every day in the newspapers to learn the extent to which the Jews are acquiring the land."

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"By foresight, or out of the shrewdest speculation, the Jews are becoming the principal owners of New York City."

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"The Jews are masters of the whisky trade in America. 80%, of the members of the National Liquor Dealers’ Association are Jews. It has been shown that 60 per cent of the business of distilling and wholesale trade in whisky is in the hands of the Jews."

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"The amusement of America is almost completely in the hands of the Jews—at least 90 per cent, of the operatic, theatrical, vaudeville, and kinema entertainments are provided by the Jews."

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Nowhere does the Jew receive better treatment than in Great Britain. There is not a single disability. Anti-Semitism does not exist... Neither of the two great political parties ever says anything against the Jews..."

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"The only bitterness is against the money-lenders, but not because they are money-lenders, and are rapacious in squeezing dry the unfortunate or the fools who come within their grasp."

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"There are Russian- Jewish banks. I have been to a theatre in the East End where the play was in Yiddish, the performers Jews, the audience Jews, and I have felt I was the only Gentile in the building. There are four Yiddish daily newspapers published in Whitechapel."

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"They have taken complete possession of certain parts of London, and the Englishman has been ousted. The Jewish invasion is one of the great factors in London’s development. There is scarcely a field of commercial operation where the Jew is not active."

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"The Jew undercuts the English tailor in price; then he undercuts other Jews. Now and then we hear complaint of the way the Jews reduce the wages of an industry to the starvation line."

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"When you find his competitors complaining of his methods it is because, being an Oriental and out to win, he is not always loyal, and integrity is not one of his virtues. Jew is often dishonest; that is, he will deliberately reap advantage from the ignorance of his customers."

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"The housing question in the Whitechapel has reached such a pitch that there are large blocks of buildings where “No English need apply ” is a common legend. Whole streets are being bought up by Hebrew syndicates, whose first act is to serve notice on all Gentile tenants."

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"There are so many Jews on the Stock Exchange that it is sometimes referred to as the high temple of Judea. In politics, law, theatrical management, journalism, the Jew occupies a position altogether out of proportion to his numbers."

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"The growth of Glasgow Jewry dates from the ’nineties, when persecution caused extensive immigration. The Scotch have been displaced, as in Stepney ; the value of public-house property has gone down."

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"According to Mr. Joseph Jacobs, it appears that of all marriages between English Jews per cent, are between first cousins—a proportion five times as great as that of other inhabitants of London."

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"When the great war broke out in 1914, though Jews had not won a reputation for physical courage, the Jews, both by enlisting and service to the nation, proved their whole-hearted devotion to the British Empire."

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"In every part of the British Dominions the Jews have full citizenship. The Colonies gave them emancipation earlier than the Mother Country; indeed, since 1832 Jews have been able to sit in the Canadian Parliament. From the first Jews received equality in Australia."

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"Montreal, the most important centre of Jewish population in British North America, has a Yiddish daily newspaper and an English Jewish weekly, The Jewish Times. Here also the Jews have shown activity and are well represented in municipal, social, and commercial life."

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"About 1870, when gold was discovered in the Otago district, the Jews made their appearance in New Zealand. Although this initial immigration has never been very largely followed up, early settlers of the race have been powerful in helping to shape the destiny of the islands."

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"But the great fortunes won by Jews in South Africa have been the outcome of traffic in gold, diamonds, and ostrich feathers. They have much of the wholesale trade of the Dominion in their hands, and a great part of the retail trade."

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"The first diamond we hear of was picked up by the child of a man named Daniel Jacobs, who was, however, not a Jew, but a trek Boer, or Dutch immigrant farmer. It was shown to a trader, who took it, according to certain authorities, to several Jews..."

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"During the early Spanish occupation of the Island of Jamaica the Jews were oppressed, and strove to conceal their identity under the name of “ Portugals.” Cromwell’s ambitious British colonising policy came to their rescue,"

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"The disappointed investors were at no pains to conceal their rage that much of the wealth of Germany had passed into the hands of the Hebrew. He was accordingly hated as much as he was feared."

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"But the Jew, with his superior wealth, has stirred up envy, hatred, and malice where once was content. He is increasingly powerful in all the centres of commerce."

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"Germans themselves have provided much of the science which developed the industry of this country, but the business qualifications to exploit it have been chiefly with the Jews."

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"In Austria, the land where, Russia excepted, the greatest number of Jews in Europe is to be found, the anti-Semitic movement is the same as in Germany, with a difference. Austria has nearly always been anti-Jewish."

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"It is said that in the rural districts many of the peasants are entirely under the thumb of the village usurer, who forces credit upon them in order to get a mortgage on their bit of land, and ultimately drives them away."

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"It has been said that there is no country in the world except Russia where the Jews are so hated as in Austria. Yet here, in every branch of intellectual art they are as plentiful as ants and quite as busy."

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"Jews as judges, lawyers, and barristers, form more than two-thirds of the whole profession. It is thought that their Talmudic studies have prepared them for the unravelling of knotty points."

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"The anti-Semites declare that both in Germany and Austria, but more especially in the latter, the Liberal Press is entirely under their influence. The two leading Radical papers in Germany, the Berliner Tageblatt and the Frankfurter Zeitung, are owned and edited by Jews."

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"Instigated by the Church, and influenced by the prevailing ignorance of the times, which confounded the Jewish race with the Moslems and supposed them to be in secret relations with one another, the Crusaders included the Hebrews in their war upon the enemies of Christianity."

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"Napoleon’s centralising tendencies are well known, and the outcome of his inquiries was that he conceived the idea of organising the Jewish communities on a legal basis. The system of consistories inaugurated by him in 1808 is still in force at the present time."

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"The rapidity with which, once unshackled, the Jews of France—of whom more than 60 per cent, cluster, like bees in a hive, round Paris—have, despite deep-rooted prejudice in some circles of Parisian society, won affluence and position is amazing."

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"M. Drumont, in 1886 launched a book called “La France Juive,” in which he informed the citizens of Paris that all misfortunes, past, present, and to come, must be attributed to the Machiavellian designs of the Hebrew race whom they had been so imprudent as to shelter."

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"An organised attempt to wrest the control of capital from Jewish financiers was made in 1885 by a circle of financiers, who formed themselves into a combine called the Union Generate. Their endeavour to oust the Jewish capitalists, such as the Rothschilds, the Periers, etc."

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"The number of Jews connected with the Press of France is very large... Certain Conservative, and even Radical, papers have a staff largely consisting of Jews. Finance.—For close on half a century the Jews had been quietly working their way up unnoticed in finance and commerce."

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"It is not probable that the Jewish question will ever be a national danger in France."

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"At the last census its inhabitants numbered only 173,359,900. About one-half of the entire Jewish race lives in Russia; yet their proportion is but 3.9... the policy of the Russian authorities, by confining these SIX MILLION JEWS within a restricted area..."

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"the Hebrew was an early settler. Armenian and Georgian records show that after the fall of the first Temple Nebuchadnezzar deported many exiles to Armenia and the Caucasus... Khazars were an historic figure upon the borderland of Europe and Asia, and accepted the Jewish faith."

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"The Jews had been fairly happy under Polish rule... decrees of expulsion from large cities, especially from Moscow, and would probably be insupportable were there not a constant stream of emigration, mainly to America."

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"The Jew made a living as middleman in the drink traffic. That is now stopped, because the Emperor has abolished the vodka traffic, an event which will have immeasurable results on the character of the people."

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"as a means of keeping pace with the keen competition from abroad, the Hebrews made a cheap imitation of “ woollens ” by shoddy made from waste of cotton and woollen goods, which had been hitherto discarded."

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"Government contracts have been monopolised by the more astute and open-eyed Hebrew. Jews are everywhere prominent in the trade in grain, and have established branch offices in the principle centres of grain-growing districts."

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"Always they have been well represented in the revolutionary movement, and many have joined in very dangerous Terrorist enterprises, sometimes losing their lives as a punishment."

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"it is well within the mark to say that in the revolutionary movement the Jews have been the brains of the conspiracy. Because the Jew is a money-lender, and exacts his pound of flesh from the improvident Russian, he is hated."

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"many Russians who believe that were constitutional government established ... the sure consequence would be... the Jews would become the dominant power. It is dread of this happening which influences many .. from joining in the propaganda for wide measures of political freedom."

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"Every nation that has absorbed or is absorbing the Jews has profited. The modern world is leavened by the Jews. Russia will be all the greater when the Jew has full liberty... The Jew could conquer Russia, but not in the way he sometimes thinks."

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"in that United Italy for which Garibaldi fought, the Jew has equal rights with the Christian. Indeed, anti-Semitism is unknown in Italy. The Italian Jew lives in peace and harmony."

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"The Venetians welcomed the Jews, who developed their business in the Orient... having all the money-lending in their hands, the Jews got most of the trade, and with it a great deal of money, and the power that money brings in its train."

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"... in Rome itself, in the very shadow of the place where these edicts were drawn up, the Jew was living in comparative peace and harmony."

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"...as early as 589, the Council of Toledo began its oppression of the race by forbidding them to own Christian slaves or to fill any important office, thus inaugurating a system of persecution..."

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Southern Europe/Balkans

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"The success of Holland as a trading nation dates from the time the Jews, driven from the Spanish peninsula, settled in the Netherlands. The Dutch recognised kindred spirits in the Jews, and also desired them for their wealth and keenness in trade."

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"The Hebrews took their share in the growth of the world-wide field of commerce, and in the colonisation which was a feature of Dutch expansion..."

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"In nearly every Belgian town streets are to be seen to-day that bear testimony to the presence of the Hebrew race at an early period of its history. Always a Joden- straat, or Rue des Juifs, exists."

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"The favourable conditions under which they live in Denmark have contributed to mixed marriages. Since 1849 their last civic disabilities have been removed, and they now have absolute political equality with Christians."

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"When Norway was united with Sweden, a unity now broken, there was a law forbidding any immigration of the Jewish race. This was repealed in 1857."

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"it is indisputable that nearly all the large sugar-cane planters of Brazil during the first half of the seventeenth century were Jews. Very few Jews are in modern Brazil, not more than 3,000, but all doing well."

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"Almost immediately after the conquest of Constantinople by Mohammed, all Jews were recalled to the city and encouraged to build synagogues and schools. They were also employed as soldiers."

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"Constantinople became almost a Spanish-Jewish city... which continued pure for almost a century afterwards. In the subsequent successes of the Turks in Europe, of which not a little must be imputed to the knowledge of the Jews in modernising their weapons of attack"

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"Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in her account of her travels among the Turks, and she makes special references to the Jewish colony there. I observed,” she says, that most of the rich tradespeople are Jews. That people are in incredible power in this country."

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"Traces of this Shabbethain movement are still to be found in the existence of a sect called Donmehs or Cryto Jews. Many of these are to be met with in Salonika and other Ottoman cities, but particularly in the former place, where the Shabbethain movement was especially fervent."

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"The majority of the Jews in Persia are engaged in trading in jewellery, in wine and opium manufacture, as musicians, dancers, scavengers, pedlars, and in other occupations to which is attached no respect."

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"Franz von Schwarz, Director of the Meteorological Institute of Teheran, in his book on Turkestan, published in 1900, says : “ Just as, in Turkestan, usury is almost exclusively in the hands of the Indians, so the Jews of Bokhara devote themselves to commerce and industry."

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"The Jewish race is not largely represented in British India. To judge from the last census they number only 21,000 out of a population of 280,000,000. The majority of these inhabit Bombay. The Jews of India comprise both whites and blacks."

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"There is no Jewish literature or art, nothing one can point to and say, "That book breathes the spirit of the Jewish race" or "That picture is an example of Jewish art." Looking from the standpoint of the 20th century, they have nothing to give the world that is distinctive."

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"I have heard it argued that the Jew is not creative ; that his skill lies not in invention but in exploitation. Sufficient evidence of exploitation can be provided to make this argument a truism."

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"Whilst I have given the names of a number of Jews who have been prominent in the intellectual world from the literary point, it is to be admitted there is no long gallery of Jews who have won abiding fame as authors —though, of course, the Old Testament may be quoted."

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"In no field have the Jews been more fertile than in drama. We understand the Jew taking hold of the business of providing amusement in our great centres of population : there is money in it."

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"In all the history of his race the Jew never occupied so commanding a position in the world as he does to-day—so commanding that the Gentile sometimes shivers when he marvels what will be the consequence."

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"Any attempt to ostracise the Jew only results in binding him closer to his faith and his race. Anti-Semitism does not obliterate the Jew; it stiffens him as a Jew... persecution has been their stronghold, and with the departure of persecution..."

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"To-day is the hour of triumph with the Jew. He was never so numerous, never held so strong a position in the world."

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"As there is no such thing as complete annihilation, so we have to understand that the Jew will live in future generations of other races. His qualities will be dispersed, apparently lost; but they will be there all the same. The Jew, as such, is destined to go."

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