This remarkable book written by a man who testified in congress lays-bare many aspects of the psychological, politicial, cultural and social-engineering and programming which we have seen occur over several decades and right up to the present day. Highly-important and a must-read especially for understanding the cultural absurdities of the modern world. Exposes the dark underbelly of the so-called "social sciences" and "mental-health awareness" programmes, and how they are used as a tool against the masses.
"With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons which can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil rights or any hope of freedom."
"The Communist agent skilled in economics has as his task the suborning of tax agencies and their personnel to create, the maximum disturbance and chaos and the passing of laws adapted to our purposes and to him we must leave this task.."
Sounds very MKUltra
Interesting how this preceded the later socially engineered society in the decades to follow.
"If you would have obedience you must have no compromise with humanity. If you would have obedience you must make it clearly understood that youhave no mercy. Man is an animal. He understands, in the final analysis, only those things which a brute understands."
"It is stated by Western authorities on hypnosis that only some twenty percent of the people are susceptible to hypnotism . This statement is very untrue. Given enough punishment, all of the people in any time and place are susceptible to hypnotism."
"To be obeyed, one must be believed. If one is sufficiently believed, one will unquestioningly be obeyed."
"It is not too much to hope that psycho-political operatives would then, in a country such as the
United States, become the most intimate advisors to political figures, even to the point of advising the entirety of a political party as to its actions in an election."
"if it were to be generally known that individuals would obey commands harmful to themselves, and would commit immoral acts while under the influence of deep hypnotic commands, the actions of many people, working unknowingly in favor of Communism, would be too-well understood.."
"if an individual is beaten, and is told during the entirety of the beating that he must obey
certain officials, he will, in the future, feel the beginnings
of the pain the moment he begins to disobey."
I have no doubt this inspired the CIA, MKUktra and their torture manuals...
Some things are just too sick to reproduce here so I understand why they included this:
"Experiments on German prisoners have lately demonstrated that only after seventy days of filthy food, little sleep, and nearly untenable quarters, that the least motion toward the prisoner would bring about a state of shock beyond his endurance..."
"Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through psychopolitical indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal."
"By thus inviting the co-operation of the population as a whole in mental health programs, the terrors of mental aberration can be disseminated throughout the populace."
"If a psychiatric ward could be established in every hospital in every city in a nation, it is certain that, at one time or another, every prominent citizen of that nation could come under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives or their dupes."
Mental Health Awareness 'week' and campaigns anyone?
"Should anyone attempt to expose psychotherapy as a psychopolitical activity, the best defense is calling into question the sanity of the attacker."
"In order to defend psychopolitical activities, a great complexity should be made of psychiatric, psychoanalytical, and psychological technology. A great deal should be made out of such terms as schizophrenia, paranoia, and other relatively undefinable states."
"It should become well-known that "only the insane attack psychiatrists...Should any whisper, or pamphlet, against psychopolitical activities be published, it should be laughed into scorn, branded an immediate hoax..."
"Starting from a relatively low level of violence, such as strait-jackets and other restraints, it is relatively easy to encroach upon the public diffidence for violence by adding more and more cruelty into the treatment of the insane."
"The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless patients, the promise of complete lawlessness without detection, can' thus attract to "mental healing" many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line.."
"...remember we have yet to influence the "Christian world" to our ends. When that is done we shall have an end of them everywhere . You may see them here in Russia as trained apes."
"Any movement to place clergymen in charge of institutions should be fought on the grounds of incompetence and the insanity brought about by religion. A country's law must carefully be made to avoid any rights of person to the insane."
"Any investigation attempting to discover whether or not psychiatry or psychology has ever cured anyone should immediately be discouraged and laughed to scorn, and should mobilize at that point all psychopolitical operatives."
"The end of war is the control of a conquered people . If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destruction of war. A worthy goal."
Striking example of a modern-day psychopolitical activist and disinformation agent.
Book by the same author about Subversion in US Churches.