Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov)

Black Is Beautiful - Communism Is Not (1985)

Am autobiography of soviet-defector Yuri Bezmenov and guide to subversion techniques used by The Soviet Union against The West during The Cold War which have been refined and continue to be used today, especially with regard to the phenomenom known as "Cultural Marxism".

A few notes and highlights from the book.


If you think that I am crazy, please ask Mexicans. Have you ever heard of any smart Mexican sneaking across the border into Cuba, Nicaragua, or the USSR? Boat people never swim to R
ed China for equality and justice. Black African brothers are not running from South Africa. They run from Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique TO South Africa.


The following excerpts are from a talk on DISINFORMATION IN THE LIBERAL MEDIA , given March 26 at a CA USA USA Regional Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The speaker, Mr. Tomas Schuma
n (Yuri Bezmenov), was formerly a correspondent for the Soviet Novosti Press Agency, specializing in producing disinformation for the foreign media. A defector, Mr. Schuman now work
s as a political analyst and public speaker on disinformation and other activities of the Soviet KGB.

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Sun Tzu said, "All warfare is based primarily on deception of your enemy. To fight on the battlefield to achieve your goals is the most primitive and barbaric to achieve your goals. The highest art of war is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in your enemy's country."

Which includes religion, moral principles, traditions, and natural established relationships between people, families, groups, classes, races. Turn the blacks against the whites; turn the teachers against students; turn Ralph Nader against the government; labor un-ions against business; homosexuals against heterosexuals; and keep on fight-ing, my dear friends, until you demoralize and destabilize yourself, and then you flop like a rotten apple and the enemy will take you over. You will invite the enemy.

The main objective of KGB is to turn you from an open society,

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to a closed one, which is carbon copy of the Soviet communist, or socialist, or fascist society. Why? Why would they bother? Very simple. To merge into one global system . They make no secrets about it. You cannot merge our systems today. They are incompatible. If we merge the U.S. free market capitalism with the state monopoly of the Soviet economy, it will be a great mess. Russians may enjoy it; they will disappear in your liquor stores and K Marts. But you may not when you wake up tomorrow morning and see a tank in your backyard. I'll bet you'll become emotion-al. Merging, convergence , or interdependent economy, like some of your beautiful Brezhinski's are professing, is IMPOSSIBLE. But it is possible to slowly, in the long stretch of time, turn your country into a carbon copy of my society.

How? By infiltrating ideas into your minds. Not agents into your offices. No. KGB cannot infiltrate all the newspapers, all the public schools.

But it is possible, instead of infiltrating bodies into your system, to infiltrate ideas into your minds, and this is how it is being done.

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The idea is called egalitarianism, and it is not new. It goes all the way back to the time ofFrench Revolution. It is simply equality. What's wrong with equality, you may ask. Every-thing. Look at yourself. Are you equal in any imaginable way---spiritually, physically, mentally, socially, economically, racially. Whatever. There is no such thing as equality. There never was.

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Why did leaders throughout the history ofman-kind wanted people to believe that they are equal? We know we are not. We know we don't have to be. Why then? Simple. And communists take advantage of this mis-conception. Because it is impossible to control and exploit people as long as they stay unequal.

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What is the motivation of equality in the minds of poor people then? Greed. This is what happens. And this is the core of ideological manipulation of the masses.

Discontented people produce less. Low-er productivity creates economic instability and social unrest. This leads to radical-ism because people become impatient.

That leads to power struggles. Power struggles lead to replacement of social, political structure. That replacement is the fastest way to internal upheaval, civil war, or invasion. The result for the last observable 35 years is always the same---closed society. Just the opposite of what we started with. Everything is nationalized, from banks to washrooms. Human beings belong to the state. My right to live and pursue happiness in the USSR is not given by God because God is removed from the school, right? My right to live in Russia is given by the state. The State giveth, and the State taketh away.

You see the difference? This is the core of ideological subversion. You go all the way from open to closed society, and later on to a merging.

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On the stage of demoralization, the media plays the most important role. Why? Because it conveys ideas into your mind. If your media presents the picture of socialism this way, this image of your country, which you see every day on television --- crime, child abuse, police brutality, racial discrimination, acid rain, explosion---

part of the process of demoralization. They are monopolized today. They are controlled by the same group of people, unelected, super-rich and super-powerful people who trade with murders of my nation in the Kremlin. Interesting isn't it?

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Stay moral. Bring prayer back to school. No matter what prayer, as long as your children will remember that their grand-grand-grandparents were not monkeys. And so that they will grow up realizing that their right to live, to be free and pursue happiness, is not given by the state or federal government. It is given by God.

You don't want to be de-moralized. Stay moral. See how simple? Stay moral.

You have to implant in the minds of your children, before it is too late,

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