George Pitt-Rivers, preface by Oscar Levy

The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920)

A highly-controversial book at the time, it laid-bare the true horror of some of the earliest accounts in English of the initial period of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Jewish Oscar Levy, was expelled from Britain, his 2nd home, as an "undesirable alien" under the short-lived Enemy Aliens Restriction Act (1919). The pretext was the preface he had written for George Pitt-Rivers's The World Significance of the Russian Revolution"

The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920) by George Pitt-Rivers

Contents of The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920) by George Pitt-Rivers

An obituary of the author

"On August 13th last, there passed away a man who, in the first decade of the century, was probably the best-known figure in the British Museum..." -- Obituary: Dr. Oscar Levy by Anthony M. Ludovici, The New English Weekly 30, 1946--7,
pp. 49--50 -

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